Doctor examining a woman's spine during an exam

How Often Should You Go to the Chiropractor?

The American Chiropractic Association states that back pain impacts on average of 31 million people at any time. There are several reasons back pain can occur that include obesity, injuries, accidents and poor posture. If you are contending with pain anywhere in your spine, a chiropractor will be able to provide you with some relief. How often you must visit the chiropractor will depend on several factors such as the type of pain and what your chiropractor recommends.

Reasons to Visit the Chiropractor

The most common reasons to visit a chiropractor are neck and back pain although people see a chiropractor for other reasons as well. Many experience relief from neck and back pain after visiting the chiropractor for a few sessions, and some need to visit more often such as once a week. How often you need to visit the chiropractor depends on your condition and the level of pain you are experiencing. For instance, if you have developed lower back pain resulting from working in an office setting, you may find continual relief by visiting a chiropractor once or twice a week since you will continue to sit in a chair at work, and you will continue to experience lower back pain because of sitting in a chair. If you have been in a car accident and have suffered neck pain because of whiplash, you will visit the chiropractor once or twice a week until the injury heals. If you are in an occupation that requires you to engage in intense manual labor, then you will need to see the chiropractor to receive back adjustments and address possible neck and back pain.

Some visit the chiropractor for preventative care and to learn better health habits. Those who visit the chiropractor for preventative care and to learn about better health habits tend to see the chiropractor regularly, and they will schedule appointments as often as once or twice a week. Individuals in this group view care from a chiropractor as just another part of healthy living just like consuming a healthy diet and managing stress.

Benefiting the Most From Chiropractic Care

To benefit the most from chiropractic care, you must keep up with your appointments. When you miss appointments, you will not experience the full effect. You also must follow your chiropractor’s advice.

If you are contending with neck and back pain and are tired of it ruling your life, visit the Spine and Joint Center. Our highly trained Fort Lauderdale chiropractors are eager to help you find relief, so you can live your best life. We have been providing therapeutic massage in Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with chiropractic adjustment, and other pain management services to clients since 1979. Whether you are looking for therapeutic massage in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or you are seeking out pain management in Ft Lauderdale, we have you covered. You can Contact us and book an appointment, and you can start your journey