Spine and Joint Center

Reliable Chiropractor Fort Lauderdale

We are the best rated Chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale based on rating of our previous patients, dedicated to diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders. With over 45 years in the same location and 72 years of combined experience, we offer personalized care for auto accidents, herniated discs, sciatica, and more.

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Patients Reviews (5 of 5)

Why Choose Us

Discover Your Bone Needs

We provide specialized treatments to address a variety of health concerns, ensuring you receive the best care possible.

Back Pain

Back Pain

Comprehensive treatments for back pain, including chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy.

Muscle Injury

Muscle Injury

Effective treatment plans for muscle injuries, incorporating physical therapy and massage therapy for optimal healing.

Back Pain

Back Pain

Comprehensive treatments for back pain, including chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy.

Corrective Exercises

Corrective Exercises

Customized exercise programs to improve strength and flexibility, aiding in recovery and prevention of future injuries.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Expert care for rotator cuff injuries, helping you regain mobility and strength.

Spinal Screenings

Spinal Screenings

On-site X-rays and thorough spinal screenings to accurately diagnose and treat spinal conditions.

Complete Chiropractic Therapy

Pricing & Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

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4 Steps Better

Easy Steps To Get Our Services

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Select Services

Choose from our range of services, including chiropractic care, acupuncture, decompression therapy, and physical therapy.


Make Appointment

Call us at 954-561-4700 or schedule an appointment online for a same-day visit or a time that suits you.


Completed Payment

We accept various insurance plans, including Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare, Empire Plan, and Aetna (for acupuncture only). Payment can be made in-person or online.


Enjoy Your Therapy

Visit us at our Fort Lauderdale location and receive personalized care from our experienced team.


What Our Patients Said

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Ronald Carlson
Ronald Carlson


"Before I started chiropractic care, I suffered from chronic back pain that made it difficult for me to perform daily activities and enjoy life to the fullest. Modern medical treatments provide long-lasting relief."

Leroy Taylor
Leroy Taylor


"From the very first session, I noticed a significant reduction in my pain levels. The chiropractor used gentle adjustments and targeted techniques to address the root cause of my pain. Over time, my mobility has increased."

Barclay Page
Barclay Page


"Not only did my pain diminish, but I also noticed an improve. Chiropractic care has been a game-changer for me, allowing me to live a more active and pain-free life. I recommend it to anyone seeking a non-invasive."

Philbert Cobb
Philbert Cobb


"It's important to note that testimonials are personal experiences and may vary from individual to individual. Chiropractic care outcomes can differ depending on factors such as the specific condition being treated."

Elena Mack
Elena Mack


"From the very first session, I noticed a significant reduction in my pain levels. The chiropractor used gentle adjustments and targeted techniques to address the root cause of my pain. Over time, my mobility has increased."